
Time to say Goodbye!

 You have taken my youth and now no one wants me.  You have taken my girlhood and made me into a scorned woman. You've taken my smile, and made me frown. You've taken my heart, love, and my patience and you took it all for granted.  You've taken my kind gestures and simple life and made it something that I can not bare. My voice is never heard because you lack listening skills. You don't see what is in front of you because you live in the past. The past is forgotten, mistakes have been made, but you never learn from it. You only keep it as a bad memory of what I have done but don't remember all the things that you have done to. I am sad and mad at myself that it took me 28 years to see it. Thinking that you will see and you will learn. But only what I see in the future is what you are so blind to see for yourself.  My journey starts as soon as you walk out that door. No more tears, sleepless nights, or remorse.

Samoan Termites!

 Does anyone have this problem? These termites fly at night as soon as the light in the house goes on. IT IS SO DAMN ANNOYING . Some say that it is going to be really hot or cold tomorrow. Some say it is a sign of bad weather. I just don't know what to believe. It is kind of funny how these so-called termites fly at night, then the wings fall off, then they crawl in the woods (laupapa) of the house. OMG!!! what an annoying insect.  How do you kill these things???? Comment and share.  Eve

Making it Online? Don't believe the Hype!!!

 I am here to attest to the mumbo jumbo that is on the internet today. It feels like a roller coaster. People if you would like to invest in working from home, I suggest you do some real soul searching on how, what, where, and why. Something that can be so easy to some people and most difficult to those who want to learn. Because it is hard. Don't get mixed up in all the hype on the flashy ads and people telling you that it is easy. I really recommend that you go online, youtube, google search, and find out the truth for yourself. Because the information you provide yourself is more helpful to you rather than getting that information from someone else.  This is ridiculous!!! I am challenging myself to search and research all the information that is needed to succeed online.  The challenge is on!!! 

A Half Caste (Samoan and African American) Blogger

My first posts 2020 Hello and Talofa, Welcome to my blog. I am half Samoan and half African American Black. I also lived most of my teenage and adult life in American Samoa. I am happy to share with you the journey of a Samoan/Black mother with my adult children. I am a new blogger, testing the waters of writing. I hope you enjoy reading what I have to say. It is so weird to have one culture say as you turn 18 you are out of the house, it is time that you live on your own and spread your wings. Other cultures tend to marry off their children at an early age of 13 or 14. However, unlike the Samoans, you do not have that privilege. As soon as your child turns 18, they can still live at home or they can journey off to any parts of the world of their choice. As long as they pay for it. LOL! But as a Samoan child, you are always obligated by traditions and culture to respect and be courteous. The millennials as they are called today are the techno-savvy generations. Some Samoan kinds live b


The last post: 11/12/2020 The Millenials as I call them are so profoundly stuck to their devices, that they do not see the world around them. Am I wrong to say that kids today are endlessly reminded to do things around the house? Why is that? I solely recall growing up, I knew that when I got home from school, I had 30 minutes to rest, eat, and change my clothes. Then the rest of the time is to do feaus (chores). Chores around the house are constantly reminded of these kids on a daily basis. It just makes me want to give my kids a permanent tattoo on their foreheads on what they need to do on a daily basis. My youngest son, out of the 5 kids, is the most spoiled and lazy one of them all. He laughs, smiles, and jokes like his older brother, but he is sluggish and techno-savvy like his other sister. I think if he was not the babiest child in the family I would of put a boot in his behind. I don't know about other parents but for me, I have a label for all my kids. Child #1: Quiet, h

What is "Love" and "In Love?"

The last post...9/12/2020 Growing up in a single-parent home was probably harder on my mother than on me. A child growing up and never hearing the words of "I love you" is an empty echo of words when you hear it as an adult. Love was always shown through action. The words were never as strong as the action that a person can portray. As an adult, the same methods and practices that I grew up on were mirrored and reflected on my own children. These words "I love you" were just words. There are words like "I'm in love". What does that mean? Is it possible that you can love someone but not be "in" love with that person? Can it be just a fraction of the different types of emotions that people feel? Like, sad, frustrated, happy, excited... Is love just an emotion that is easily said and difficult to express? I often wonder what is being "in love" mean. How does it feel to be in love with something or someone? Or is it the kind of love sh

Evelyn 1st, 2021

Happy New Year, Reader As I am blessed with another year added to my life, I am bound to define who I am this year. What makes me, who I am today.   A new year and a new look at what life has to offer. It's time for Evelyn to take care of herself. So many years have come and gone and it was always about someone else. A wise person asked me if Evelyn is taking care of everyone else, then who is taking care of Evelyn? The question that was asked resonated with the heart, which brought sadness and tears.  I am a person that always thinks of my family. Though people see me as a funny, hard-working, and helpful person, they do not see what is hiding beneath the shell. Underneath the shell is a person that is filled with worry, pain, and anger. Underneath is a person that is afraid to speak out and to tell the truth. Wounds are deep, and anxiety is high.  Evelyn's goal this year is to focus on what she wants. Evelyn has joined Affiliated Marketing. I am ready to move on to a better p